Saturday, December 28, 2013

75 Years Ago Today - Eileen's Diary - Dec 28, 1938

75 Years Ago Today
Eileen's Diary
Dec 28, 1938

This entry is a post on this blog from the diary of nineteen year old Eileen KINNICK, 75 Years Ago this date.

From March 1 thru April 29, I posted every day, to cover the marriage and the early married life of Pete and Eileen (Kinnick) Smith, but decided to 'take a breather.'  Resumed with Dec 1, 1938...

Here is the daily entry for Wednesday, Dec 28:

 Up at 9:00. Finished the chores & then went in & brought Bussy out. Had a good beefsteak dinner. Fixed up kitchen in p.m. Pete made shelves & washstand and I did the cleaning. Scrubbed. Made cheese sandwiches for supper & then went in to "Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs." Real good. Home to bed.

My comments: Sounds like they moved the stoves around, the night before, to perhaps put in washing facility of some sort out here on the farm. They were still doing all washing and ironing in town… if I am correct.

1937 Disney - First Full Length Animated film!

Families are Forever!  ;-)

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