Saturday, December 14, 2013

75 Years Ago - Eileen's Diary - Dec 14, 1938

75 Years Ago
Eileen's Diary
Dec 14, 1938

This entry is a post on this blog from the diary of nineteen year old Eileen KINNICK, 75 Years Ago this date.

From March 1 thru April 29, I posted every day, to cover the marriage and the early married life of Pete and Eileen (Kinnick) Smith, but decided to 'take a breather.'  Resuming with Dec 1, 1938...

Here is the daily entry for Wednesday, Dec 14:

[Beside the date: Edna's & mine; Frances Lally

Mom's 20th Birthday!]

Up in good time. Ate breakfast and got ready to go to Carroll. 6 of the prettiest dish towels from Ida Marie. Soap & wash cloth form Bussy. Left for Carroll at 10:30. Mom got a new set of dishes. I got overalls, paint, gloves, hat. Didn't win the $300 drawing. Home at 4:30. Pete came at 5:00.
Invited to Roberts but Pete insisted that we go up home. Left at 8:00 - Surprise on me! Julia, Arnold, LVene, Verle, Polly, Merle, Don, Norma, Betty there. Chinese Chekkers. Nut picks, pictures, spoon, brush, stool. Keenest time. Ice cream & cakes, coffee. Home 12:30.

My comments: A Surprise Birthday Party! 20th Birthday - Big Deal, for sure! Did they plan this at Dinner on Sunday, when she was out of the room?? ;-)

Always interesting to see gifts received in different time periods.

Have you played Chinese Checkers??

Families are Forever!  ;-)

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